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Tips For Choosing The Right Office Chairs

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Working in an office that requires long periods of sitting can be hard on your body and your health. If you don't have the right office chair, it can be even more of a physical strain. The good news is, you don't have to spend thousands of dollars to equip your business with chairs that are comfortable, ergonomically supportive and long-lasting. Here are a few things to think about when you're looking for chairs that focus on overall comfort.

Customizable Seat Height

The height of a chair is a key component of the ergonomic structure. When you buy office chairs, look for options with adjustable heights, because that makes it easy to personalize the fit. The goal for proper ergonomics is to be able to sit in the chair with your feet flat on the floor. Your thighs should be comfortably rested against the chair. This supports your lower body, and the height should allow your arms to rest level on the desk. That reach is important, too, because it reduces wrist strain.

Proper Seat Support

Your tailbone can see a lot of wear and tear if you spend your days sitting in a chair that is hard and insufficiently padded. Over time, this can lead to radiating pain in your lower back area. Look for chairs that have cushioned, stable seats to protect your tailbone, hips and lower back. This type of seating reduces the compression on your spine and subsequent compression damage that can be painful.

Adjustable Arm Rests

Many people dismiss arm rests on a chair as a nuisance or simply inconsequential. Don't make this mistake. Arm rests can contribute support to your shoulder area, which reduces the strain on your neck muscles. Look for chairs that have adjustable arm rests so that you can place them at the proper height to support the arm without pulling on the shoulder or neck area. You should be able to keep your elbows bent with your shoulders relaxed when the arm rests are at the right height.

When it comes to protecting your body and those of your employees, ergonomics are an important consideration. With the tips presented here, you'll be able to choose the right chairs to help offer the necessary support and comfort for everyone in your office. Talk with your local commercial furniture supplier, like D & R Office Works, Inc, about the choices available to you so that you can find the perfect fit all of your staff.
